It is the season of spring cleaning.
After months of cold weather with the house or office closed up to keep the cold out, it is time to remove the chaos and clutter, brush out the dust and dirt, and to bring in the fresh air and refresh your space.
Spring cleaning does not need to stop with your house; it should also include your mind, body, and spirit.
Here is a list of tips to help spring clean your home and workspaces as well as your mind, body, and spirit.
Start with setting a list of intentions and goals, a game plan to work from in order to accomplish scrubbing, renewal and the potential new growth. Next, gather all the items you need, all natural cleaning solutions, rubber gloves, broom, etc.
Spring cleaning the living spaces
Closets – now that winter is over it is time to get out the spring/summer clothing and put away the winter clothing. Before putting away the winter garments, make two piles, one for keep, one for donating. Anything that no longer fits, you don’t wear as much, put in the donation box and donate to Good Will, Salvation Army, or even the places like homeless shelters, or the Red Cross. If you do not have a closet organizer think about making yourself one or purchasing one at a home improvement store, these allow you to organize everything from clothing to shoes making it easier to find the things you want without having to dig through the closet for it.
You can declutter your mind by letting go of negative thoughts realize that some things you cannot change or do anything about, or thoughts that no longer serve a higher purpose in your life.
Dusting – you do not need expensive dusting products or buy refills of disposable dust cloths, just take an old sock and damp it with warm water, then slide it over your hand. This works great for shelves, knickknacks, picture frames, etc. This keeps the dust from going into the air and on the floor. If you need to polish wood, forget the expensive spray cans or pastes the buildup wax on your wood, instead use a small amount of light olive oil. Using an old cloth that you do not mind throwing away, place a teaspoon of light olive oil on it and rub into the wood rubbing with the grain; make sure that you do not leave excess oil as it will go rancid.
A routine for your skin that will exfoliate and nourish your skin with all natural products that you can make at home from 3 different products you probably already have in your pantry. You can make a sugar scrub, an oat or a baking soda exfoliator. Healthy skin helps protect the rest of your body from toxins and viruses.
Kitchen – Want to clean and deodorize your microwave, combine 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar and 1/2 cup water in a microwave-safe bowl and run on high for two minutes to two minutes 30 seconds so it comes to a boil. Use an oven mitt to carefully remove the bowl of boiling water and wipe the inside out with a damp cloth. Boiling the water-vinegar mixture will remove odors and loosen baked-on foods for an easy wipeout. For the rest of the kitchen use a clean sponge soaked in white vinegar it cuts grease in ovens, exhaust fans, and on counters.
For mind, body, and spirit let go of toxic relationships. If you have someone in your life that takes but does not give anything back that drains your energy, raises your stress, and leaves you feeling empty, consider it a toxic relationship and cut it out of your life. If you can’t completely cut the person out of your life then keep time spent around that person to a minimum.
Bathrooms – antibacterial and antifungal cleaner can be made with tea tree oil and warm water that is quite effective. For all purpose cleaner for sink and tub mix 15 drops of tea tree oil with one-quart warm water and pour into a reusable spray bottle. For a higher antibacterial antifungal solution, put use two teaspoons of tea tree oil to two cups of water this is great for cleaning toilets. This mixture will also work on mold, however, because it can cause discoloration test in an inconspicuous area.
Want to get rid of toxins from the body, eat fresh fruits that are high in antioxidants such as blueberries, drink plenty of water, and eat yogurt that has live cultures as a probiotic to help keep the healthy bacteria that live in your intestines in balance.