We all strive for something better and newer, especially around the new year, as we have the custom of making goals and resolutions. But do we stick to them? After the new year’s hangover passes, we procrastinate on resolutions because we haven’t come up with a realistic system and course of action to accomplish them.
As time passes, we begin to put off reaching those goals we wanted to achieve in resolutions; even when we put up our best effort, some of us feel stuck.
Instead, here are a few things you should do in the new year to wholistically transform yourself:
1. Determine and specify the changes
Decide what changes you want to make in your life and be specific about each one. They may concern your physical well-being, mental well-being, profession, etc. Then choose a course of action that will help you achieve your goals, such as adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, changing jobs, enrolling in new courses, learning a new language, etc.
2. Set realistic goals
Nothing works like setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals; therefore, your objectives should be practical and realistic. New changes take longer to take effect at first; if you wish to change a habit, it will take time to form a new habit and break the old one. This process requires commitment and consistency. Make plans to carry out your goal-achieving strategy using the S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) System.
3. Positive mindset
Start with a positive frame of mind after deciding what changes you want to make and planning how to get there. Practice meditation every day to improve your focus. Repeat positive affirmations and do positive self-talk, as you are your own cheerleader. According to psychology, the human mind generates more negative thoughts than positive ones. You have to drop every diverting idea because no one is born with a positive mindset; it is built with constant effort. Throughout your personal transformation journey, you can maintain composure and motivation by using gratitude and vision boards.
4. Set systems in Place
This really helps in building a productive schedule. Everything in your life, including eating and exercising, should follow a system that includes a plan, schedule and end date. Put Systems (Save Your Self Time Energy Money Stress) in place that work for you and your family.
5. Focus on healthy eating and exercise
Your body needs fuel to function properly; feed it healthy food. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. You also need to work hard to achieve the perfect body shape that you may desire. Exercising helps build strength in the body, so make sure you take out some time to invest in your body.
6. Invest in upskilling
Develop good and productive habits like reading books and learning new things. Investing in new skills will help you increase your worth.
7. Surround yourself with optimistic people
Cut ties with anyone who is toxic or negative around you. Having people around you who are goal-oriented and motivated is important, as they will inspire you to accomplish your own goals.
8. Let go of the past
Learn to forgive others and let go of the past. Your personal transformation will be hampered by holding grudges and lamenting the errors of the past. You need to be at peace with your past to be able to detach from emotional and mental stress.
9. Stay committed and trust the process
You have to stay committed throughout the personal transformation process and trust the process. Instead of panicking or doubting your ability, take baby steps and appreciate each progress you make. Try getting in touch with nature by taking a walk in a garden; it will keep you inspired and grateful.
10. Keep reflecting and checking the progress
Make sure to keep reflecting on your progress and evaluating it. Recognize your strength; sometimes feeling overwhelmed is normal. Keep in mind Mark Crabtree’s “4Rs of transformation”: “Reflect, Review, Reconnect, and Reboot.” Keep in mind why you first started the transformation.
Final words
It’s not easy to change anything in life, especially personal transformation, which requires committed dedication and steadfastness. There will be times when you can feel unmotivated, but remember that nothing happens overnight. All the waiting will be worth it, as you are upgrading the new version of yourself.