5 Ways Through Which Wholistic Approach Brings Positive Changes To Your Life

5 Ways Through Which Wholistic Approach Brings Positive Changes To Your Life

The wholistic approach nourishes all areas of life and gives the opportunity to feel energized and positive towards life. When a person is able to understand the concept, that everything in life is closely interconnected, then the person starts to approach wellness in a different way. 

A wholistic lifestyle is a feeling of all-encompassing vitality. It is a way of living that establishes physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Thereby, it enables us to get a sense of wrong and right, sets a connection with our inner self, and gives us insight into the world around us. Cognition of the emotional state and longevity as an outcome of physical well being is also there. 

So, integrating the wholistic approach to your journey will bring positive changes in life. Let’s see how.

Ways Through Which Wholistic Approach Brings Positive Changes To Your Life

Here are some ways to easily implement a wholistic lifestyle to bring a positive change into our lives both physically and mentally.

1. Opt For a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to improving the lifestyle, one of the most notable things to do is to strive for consistency. There are several things that can assist to improve the overall well-being and quality of living. The first and foremost among them is ‘food’. 

Food is the foundation of good health. Try to eat healthy plant-based, non-processed foods for optimum wellness. Limit the intake of saturated and trans fats. What you eat defines your endurance, energy level, and mood. 

The second aspect of good health is sleep. In a wholistic lifestyle, sleep is one of the pillars of life. Along with a healthy diet, sleep is critical to well-being. An adequate amount of sleep serves as a rejuvenator of body and mind. 

Regular exercise can have an incredibly positive effect on the body and mind. A person cannot achieve a healthy mind and body just by eating healthy. When a person’s body is healthy, the brain automatically creates a positive response. Exercise can aid to stay good and feel good. 

One can learn these aspects at Dr. Nancy’s Wholistic Living workshops. 

2. Self Love

Casandra Brené Brown, an American professor, and author says, “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.”

Self-love is the key to happiness and success in life. It is the state of gratitude and thankfulness for oneself that arises from efforts that encourage the spiritual, psychological, and physical growth. Self-love means possessing great regard for your happiness and well-being, and not sacrificing your prosperity to please others. 

3. Smile

“Laughter is the best medicine.”

Smiling is a counter-attack on stress and anxiety because it relaxes the muscles and reduces the cortisol levels. Smiling releases dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in the brain which are the chemicals of stress relief and happiness.

A study done by Michigan State University in 2011 shows that when a person is feeling upset, smiling is presumably the furthest thought from the mind. But smiling and showing a few pearly white teeth can be an instantaneous mood booster. More importantly, the smiles are contagious. It has the power to lighten up the room.  

4. Socialize

Aristotle, the legendary Greek philosopher stated, “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual.”

Time spent socializing can raise confidence and enthusiasm. Socializing can serve to strengthen the sense that life has purpose and meaning. It can help to tackle stress and anxiety, reduce blood pressure, and the risk of Alzheimer’s. 

5. Help Others

In between family stress, money issues, work, and other responsibilities, it is natural to feel overworked and frustrated. Practicing stress-reducing techniques like meditation or yoga definitely reduces stress. There is one more way to reduce stress; lending a helping hand to someone in need

Research shows that helping others benefits the physical and mental health of a person. And there comes in place the saying of Winston Churchill, who once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” 

So it is always a good idea to lend a helping hand to others in our capacity.


A wholistic lifestyle is about life as a whole. It is necessary to understand that change demands time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It is important to be patient and positive while practicing wholistic approaches. There are a lot of things that can bring positive changes in life. 

Take the membership of Dr. Nancy’s Body Soul Essentials and all these aspects will be taken care of. 

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